State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez must take action to end the overwhelming incarceration of men of color and low-income people in Cook County by…
- Expanding and improving the Deferred Prosecution Program for men of color and low income people with first, second and third time non-violent felony convictions
- Instituting reforms to the Bail-Bond System.Join SOUL, IIRON and Organizing Catholics for Justice in the fight to see an end to racism and Mass Incarceration.We will meet at 2:45 pm at the corner of 24th and California. There is plenty of street parking available there.
Faith leaders will lead us in prayer, then we will put Anita Alvarez on trial and share testimony about how Mass Incarceration has affected the lives of people across Cook County.
For more info or to RSVP contact Byron Hobbs at 773.320.3218 or [email protected]